Monday, April 11, 2011


So this semester school took over my time.
I started a club at school called the Art Society and I joined SMAC (Student Marketing and Advisory Committee), and SOAR (Studen Outreach and Retention). And not to mention I ran for the Vice President of Student Outreach for the Student Government Association. (I got the spot, by the way). If you open up my planner, you'll see that I'm super busy.... and that I probably don't have a life outside of school.

I still made time to have small photoshoots with my models here and there ;) 
I would edit and post it on my facebook but never on my blog. That is why I haven't updated this blog for a while.Sigghhh.... Summer should be better, hopefully.

This blog will be a compilation of pictures that I took that I happened to like.

P.S. I'm tired of taking pictures at school. Does anyone have suggestion on a good new location?






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